Unlock exclusive privileges with TG Cigars’ membership, featuring special deals, events, and premium cigar offerings.
Elevate your cigar experience by securing a personalized locker at our lounge. Act fast – lockers are in high demand! Contact TG Cigars for more information and secure your spot in the heart of Washington D.C.’s premier cigar lounge.
At TG Cigar, we are committed to providing a friendly environment whether you are a one-time customer or a regular visitor to our shop.
If you don’t find the cigar you smoke, let us know and we will do our best to get it for you.
As designated smoking areas seem to vanish by the day, TG Cigars is pleased to feature the premier Washington D.C. cigar lounge. Open every day, the D.C. cigar store invites customers to enjoy a cigar on a lunch break, after work, or any other time to avoid smoking up their homes or other areas.