Discover TG Cigar: The Ultimate Cigar Oasis in Washington, DC.
In a world where smoking spots are dwindling, TG Cigars shines as Washington D.C.’s top cigar lounge. We’re open daily, inviting you to savor a cigar during your lunch break, after work, or whenever you desire without affecting your living space. At TG Cigars, we’re a full-service cigar shop and lounge with expert aficionados to guide your selections.
Our cigar lounge isn’t just a place for smoking; it’s where we host regular cigar events and offer private event spaces for you and your friends. Explore our multi-story lounge, that features outdoor seating, a private upstairs patio, and a private bar, perfect for your next party or event.
But that’s not all. At TG Cigars, we cater to all your senses. Besides our impressive cigar collection and smoking gear, we boast a full kitchen and bar. Whether you’re a cigar enthusiast or simply seeking great food and drinks, we’ve got you covered.
Our menu boasts a range of delicious dishes, from flavorful appetizers to hearty entrees we know you’ll enjoy. We’re here to assist you in finding the perfect pairings, offering a variety of spirits, wines, and cocktails to compliment your cigars and food.
Prepare for a memorable experience at TG Cigars, where cigars, cuisine, and drinks come together to delight your senses. Contact us for more information about our Washington D.C. cigar shop and lounge.
Whether you’re a D.C. local or a visitor exploring the nation’s capital, TG Cigars proudly stands as the go-to cigar shop and lounge in the heart of the city. Located just a stone’s throw away from the Washington Convention Center, TG Cigars offers a diverse range of premium handmade cigars, house-blended tobaccos, cigar accessories, and much more.
Since 2006, our Washington D.C. cigar store has been catering to customers with the expertise of our in-house cigar aficionados. We are committed to delivering only the finest quality cigars to our patrons. Our dedication extends to providing high-quality cigar accessories, including cigar cutters, punches, lighters, and ashtrays.
Beyond premium cigars, TG Cigars also offers a selection of quality tobacco accessories, from humidors and cutters to ashtrays and lighters. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar enthusiast or new to the world of cigars, we welcome you to explore our extensive inventory of premium tobacco products and accessories. Visit TG Cigars, your trusted Washington D.C. destination for the finest cigars and more.
At TG Cigar, we are committed to providing a friendly environment whether you are a one-time customer or a regular visitor to our shop.
If you don’t find the cigar you smoke, let us know and we will do our best to get it for you.
As designated smoking areas seem to vanish by the day, TG Cigars is pleased to feature the premier Washington D.C. cigar lounge. Open every day, the D.C. cigar store invites customers to enjoy a cigar on a lunch break, after work, or any other time to avoid smoking up their homes or other areas.