As designated smoking areas seem to vanish by the day, TG Cigars is pleased to feature the premier Washington D.C. cigar lounge. Open every day, the D.C. cigar store invites customers to enjoy a cigar on a lunch break, after work, or any other time to avoid smoking up their homes or other areas.
At TG Cigar Lounge, we’re passionate about curating only the most exceptional cigars for your smoking enjoyment. Our cigars are meticulously stored under precise temperature and humidity conditions to ensure they consistently deliver an outstanding taste. Whether you prefer to give us a call or pay us a visit, we invite you to explore our comprehensive selection of cigars.
TG Cigar Lounge’s doors are wide open during our regular business hours. Step inside and explore our extensive collection of cigars sourced from all corners of the globe. We encourage you to unwind, kick back, and soak in the relaxing atmosphere. Light up one of our premium cigars, or opt for one of our signature house specials to elevate your visit.
Our staff is here to guide, recommend, and ensure a harmonious pairing for a great experience that delights both your palate and senses.
Our chef-curated food and drink offerings are meticulously crafted to complement the rich flavors of our premium cigars.
At TG Cigar Lounge, we are dedicated to fostering a welcoming atmosphere, whether you’re a first-time guest or a familiar face at our shop. If you ever can’t locate your preferred cigar among our offerings, please don’t hesitate to inform us, and we will make every effort to source it for you. Your satisfaction is our priority.
At TG Cigar, we are committed to providing a friendly environment whether you are a one-time customer or a regular visitor to our shop.
If you don’t find the cigar you smoke, let us know and we will do our best to get it for you.
As designated smoking areas seem to vanish by the day, TG Cigars is pleased to feature the premier Washington D.C. cigar lounge. Open every day, the D.C. cigar store invites customers to enjoy a cigar on a lunch break, after work, or any other time to avoid smoking up their homes or other areas.